Friday, 26 October 2012

The Alchemist

I was always attracted to handsome foreign men. Under the spell of a charming accent and the mystery of an exotic culture, I never considered the practicalities of marrying someone from another land. The main dilemma of course being that both of us wish to live in our respective homes, which happen to be on opposite sides of this wondrous earth.

My psychologist refers to it as 'the rose coloured glasses coming off'', the moment you wake up from your dreamland where you believe your love to be so strong it can withstand the wildest winds, the roughest seas and the most raging of storms. The reality check when you realise that life is not a romance novel.

Love is actually a battlefield. And after our 3-month-long battle of tug-of-war (fought out on Viber and Skype between Sweden and Australia)….. I (thank God) won.
And my handsome foreigner agreed to move back here, to my home. :o)

Throughout the battle, as I'd felt my world crashing down on me, I also somehow saw the light, and realised (finally) which career path I wanted to pursue. 'Miss Pinup' had stirred up my passion for photography and I decided it was time to follow my bliss. So I made an appointment with the director at the photography college where I'd half completed my diploma 12 years ago, before deferring to travel. Within that 12 year period of time, film epically turned to digital and dark rooms into mac labs. 'I'm afraid you'd have to restart the course from square one'.

Minor set back.

Still feeling like Paulo Coelho's Alchemist on the right path, I enrolled and began classes (and love it). I began working on my folio, making lists of photo ideas and fishing around for some hands-on work. I sent emails out to every single photography studio in melbourne, offering myself as a photographer's assistant and to my surprise, got three interviews after the first week!

My first job as a freelance photographer/stylist involved making some child-size birds wings for a photographer's conceptual work. My second job was assisting a photographer doing boudoir shoots at a grand mansion full of antiques, chandeliers and winding staircases.
And my third job was taking the pictures for my cousin's children's-wear range for her online store. A great start to a freelance career!!

With my hubby back, marriage salvaged, fun new 'Miss Pinup' hobby, and finally the promise of a career, I started feeling like 2012 might not be the shittiest year of my life after all.   

In fact, with interviews and job offers coming up all over the place, I began feeling like I might even be on a winning streak… And it's exactly when you start believing that, that 'The Secret' kicks in… and the universe sends you an exciting surprise…

…Which I'll tell you about next post, my lovelies. 


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