Sunday, 27 January 2013


Along with the Miss Pinup competition, I'm juggling three jobs and managing to stay very busy!

One of those jobs is as a freelance photographer's assistant, working for a wonderful German woman called Carmen. Carmen has her own boudoir photography business, specialising in vintage and pinup style photography, and she creates absolute magic. She's also got a wicked laugh, a heart of gold and is great fun to work with. My very first job with her was at a magnificent Victorian mansion in Kew called Butleigh Wootton.

It's the type of place that transports you into history… or into some period drama film which makes you wish you lived in that era… (Every period drama has that effect on me!)
I was flabbergasted, imaging the real family that would have once lived in such splendour! Sprawling rose gardens, Juliet balconies, winding staircase, crystal chandeliers, four-poster beds, chaise lounges, marble-topped fireplaces, everything antique…. What a workplace!

My job involved meeting and greeting the clients as they arrived, showing them up to our studio area, de-clothing them, filling them with champagne and chocolates and chatting with them as they were made-over by the fabulous make-up artist Rosie. Then helping accessorise their lingerie outfits and leading them to the boudoir rooms where Carmen would work her magic with the camera, while I assisted with lighting and props.
It was the sort of job that makes you realise that you actually can make a living doing what you love.

Since then I've worked for Carmen on a regular basis; photoshop post-editing, and prop making. She commissioned me to make her a human-sized vintage cake for her models to jump out of, and offered me her cardboard plasma TV box to use.... I took that lucky box home.
It made me think of the film Indecent Proposal, when Woody Harrelson quotes Louie Kahn about the brick. I believe that even that TV box wanted to be something.. Even a box aspires to be something better than what it is. And that lucky box got its break. On my lounge room floor, with a Stanley knife, some paint, some fabric roses and some gold tassels, I created a bit of my own magic…
Carmen even let me christen the thing and be the first model to jump out of it (picture above).

At the moment she's commissioning me to make a pair of five foot angel wings.. I have one thousand feathers, which also aspire to be something beautiful..

And as Woody Harrelson says with his sexy southern drawl, as all things aspire to be something better than they are, so must we… Maybe that's the point of life and the path to enlightenment… to become something better than you are.. or at least to aspire to be so…


Friday, 18 January 2013

Peter Pan

I turned 32 on Wednesday! Each year my age seems more and more ridiculous! Maybe I have a case of Peter Pan syndrome... or I'm what the ancient Greeks & Romans called puella aeterna- one who fears growing up. I had thought to come home to Australia and settle down… but after a year here I'm still not settled and find myself itching to take off on more adventures to faraway lands...

Though I'd dreaded my birthday, it surprised me by being rather lovely. Jerry brought me breakfast in bed, singing Happy Birthday, my phone tinged all day with a steady stream of well-wishing messages, hundreds of people sent me Facebook love, and my brother even recorded and published 'Happy Birthday Anna'  Lisa Simpson-style on his new app- Jam (which I'll discuss further down) and even got me a bit teary!

I really felt the birthday love.

I wore a pretty new summer dress, a present from Jerry, and we spent the day together cruising with the roof down in the sunny weather, did some shopping and had lunch at a quaint cafe by the South Melbourne Market. In the evening we headed to the beach for the Republica Beach Volleyball weekly tournament where we were joined by the rest of our extended volleyball team -'The Flukers' (mostly brothers and cousins). After lots of practise on our recent family beach holiday, we'd all much improved at the game and really kicked some but.

And the whole day we were kept excited by the progress of my brothers' music app Jam, which was released in the app store this week and is also really kicking but, climbing the charts like hell. It's now reached Number 1 in loads of countries including the important ones.
My brothers' business was always destined for greatness and luckily I divined that from the beginning when shares were being sold and I convinced a very cynical Jerry to invest in them. You can imagine the dollar signs in the eyes and the palm-rubbing going on now as Jam booms all over the world.

And still I'm melancholy, wondering where I should be and what I should be doing with my life.
Jerry also has Peter Pan syndrome and neither one of us can seem to tie the other down.
We dream of our own business- a restaurant for Jerry to manage which could double as an art space for me to manage, with a built-in studio and hopefully a garden… What fun it would be to interior design and decorate and to host special events and cocktail parties and exhibition openings..
Something like that might settle us down. 'Maybe you're just travelers at heart and are supposed to keep wandering forever' my friend Sarah suggests… 'Having babies would settle you down' my mum is sure…

32 is just a number. People achieve things at different stages in their lives and I wouldn't swap what I've done with my life for a career and a family... but I do also want those things when it's my time :o) ….

Tuesday, 15 January 2013


When I'd first arrived home in Oz, in need of something exciting to cheer me up, I'd sent out loads of applications for random fun and folly things… One of those applications was for the TV game show 'Deal or No Deal'...
Now, months later, having almost forgotten I'd even applied, I was sitting in photography class during the break when I received an email from the 'Deal Coordinator' inviting me to a casting to be a contestant on the show.
I jumped out of my chair and ran out of class to call Jerry, my heart pounding.

J: (excited) 'You're gonna get through baby! You could win $200,000!!'
Me: 'It says in the invitation that I can invite someone along to play with me… Do you wanna play with me?!!'.. 
J: (hesitates).. 'What about my English? You know how I get when I'm nervous!'
Me: 'Oh come on baby! Who gives a shit! It'll be so much fun!!'
J: (excited again) 'Ok!!'

I decide to dress in vintage for the casting. Polka dot jumpsuit, pin curls and red lippy. Jerry dresses to impress in blazer and bow tie. We drive to the casting with the roof down, feeling a million dollars. But its stinking hot, we're running late, and there are no parks, so we park the car at my brothers office, blocking his car in, throw the keys at him through the door with no explanation and powerwalk four blocks, me with instant blisters from the damned heels. My nerves are fraying and I start bickering at Jerry who's walking ahead.
'Shall we meet there or do you want to wait for me?!... F-ing Speedy Gonzales!'
We turn the corner and there are a hundred people queued up outside the studio for the casting. Ahhh!! Rushing for nothing!

We walk up to join the crowd and one hundred people turn and stare at us. We're literally the only ones who made any effort whatsoever at looking good for the casting. I'm talking Bogan Central. It could've been a queue at Centrelink on dole day.
As we pose for the mug shots, I whisper to Jerry 'We've got it in the bag'.

The questionnaires include:
'Whats the most exciting thing you've ever done?'
'What are you most proud of in your life?'
'Whats something people wouldn't guess about you?'
'Whats the strangest job you've ever done?'

And the big one: 'What would you do with $200,000?'

I overhear the broads next to me struggling to come up with answers. Meanwhile Jerry and I have absolutely smashed the questionnaires! They're literally overflowing with winning answers, rippers, beauties, everything you could ever wish to read on a questionnaire if you were a casting director looking for somebody interesting for your show.
Jerry: Won 'Survivor'. (Bang)
Anna: Opened a cocktail bar in Costa Rica and made a reality TV show about it. (Bang)
Jerry: Cruised the world on a 6-star luxury cruise ship. (Bang)
Anna: Got hit on by Prince Harry. (Bang)
Jerry: Owned my own restaurant in Stockholm. (Bang)
Anna: Worked as a Playboy Bunny at the Playboy Casino in London. (Bang)
Jerry: Was a chimney sweep. (WTF?!)

We strategically analyze the 6 interviewers at their desks, and decide on the guy we want. Yes, we definitely stand the best chance with him. Luck is on our side. He notices us too, waits while his colleague takes the broads next to us and then calls us over. We're silently high-fiving as we sit down opposite him.
'I have to say, you two have lit up this room!' is the first thing he says to us.
The interview is amazing. He loves us.
And we leave, dreaming of the suitcase containing $200,000.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Finals List

The day finally arrived when it would be announced which Miss Pinup contestants would go through to the finals. After months of obsessing over this competition, pillaging opp-shops for vintage hats and gloves, squandering rent money on bullet bras and girdles, and hours spent studying youtube tutorials on 50's hairstyles and makeup techniques, I was imaginably a tad anxious about receiving the results. What would I do if my name didn't appear in the list?!

On one hand I felt confident with my 'Vienne Rose' photo entries, but who was to know what the judges were looking for…
All day I kept the Miss Pinup webpage up on my laptop, pressing refresh every 10 minutes.
Jerry convinced to to come for a run with him along the beach to get me out of the house so I brought my phone along, the website open and ready. At the jungle-gym in the park, I stopped to refresh the webpage and my heart stopped. The lists were up.

I hurriedly scanned through the names under 'Miss Perfect Finalists' and there was no Vienne Rose. The blood drained from my face, my heart sunk into my stomach, shock and disappointment stunned me. But wait- I had entered in two categories- Miss Perfect (for general Pinups) and Miss Classic (for over 30's)… My eyes raced down the page to the second list and relief washed over me. There I was, Miss Classic Finalists- Vienne Rose.

Yaaaaaayyyyyyyy!!! Relief and happiness. And then the compulsory poke of paranoia- 'Why Miss Classic and not Miss Perfect..? Is it because they think I look old?' I'm so silly.
Momentarily my phone began to ring- Mum, who must have also been sitting on the refresh button, calling to congratulate me. And knowing me too well, to reassure me.  

'Of course you got through!' Jerry declared as we ran home together ''re Anna Banan!'
With a big smile on my face, I imagined the big new adventure ahead of me...